Girl Walks into a Bar . . .: Comedy Calamities, Dating Disasters, and a Midlife Miracle

Girl Walks into a Bar . . .: Comedy Calamities, Dating Disasters, and a Midlife Miracle - Rachel Dratch Rachel Dratch's "Girl Walks into a Bar..." was a nice, quick weekend read that gave me a little insight into the former Saturday Night Live star's life today. Unlike the other two lady memoirs I've read prior to Dratch's (Tina Fey and Mindy Kaling) this memoir did not digress into Dratch's childhood. Instead it jumped right into her time and life at SNL and moved forward from there.

Yes, there were some parts that I felt were put in for nothing more than filler or to meet a specified word count but for the most part the book was paced rather well and dropped names appropriately. I hate it when I read a celebrity memoir and they refuse to give out the goods.

Prior to reading this book I didn't know what Dratch was up to today but I'm glad to find that things are going well for her.

Much like "Bossypants" and "Is Everybody Hanging Out With Me" this book was the perfect weekend read. And another check off of my summer reading list.