Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Where'd You Go, Bernadette - Maria Semple I started this book as an audiobook, one of my three selections from World Book Night 2014 and played it over the weekend on a long drive. When I got back home the first thing I did was search my local library to see if I could borrow it. It was and I did and I spent the rest of the weekend reading it.

At first I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. With the audiobook, the narrator narrates the main character, Bee (a teenager) to make her sound like a child. And for the rest of the book I just couldn't picture a 15 year old but more of a 12 year old. So much happened in the book, I think that's what kept me interested. It wasn't the characters. Each character was grating in their own way, though I think by the end I liked Bernadette herself.

It was afterwards I found out the author was a writer for Arrested Development. This makes complete sense with the storyline of the book.